Page name: Child Abuse [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-17 20:18:53
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Child Abuse.


Children are born into this world innocent and vulnerable, completely reliant upon their parents or carers for protection, comfort, warmth and love.
Luckily, most children get the rights they are born with. The right to be safe in their own home, the right to be loved, the right to be protected when unable to do so themselves, the right to an education, to food and warm clothing.
Most children are cared for, loved and appreciated.

But some children are not. Some are made to feel unloved, isolated, fearful, ashamed and useless.
For over one million children each year in the UK alone, their basic human rights are denied to them from birth, and they are subjected to cruelty and mistreatment.
For these children, life is torture. Getting from one day to the next is a chore.
Do you consider this treatment to innocent children to be acceptable?

One child dies a week from child abuse.
8% of child abuse is Emotional Abuse.
28% of child abuse is Physical Abuse.
30% of child abuse is Sexual Abuse.
And 34% of child abuse is Neglect.

At least 1 in 10 children suffer sexual abuse during childhood.
In Britain, 1 in 1000 children under the age of 4 suffer extreme physical abuse.
Why is this not shocking you as much as it should?

Put yourself in their shoes.

Child abuse # 1
Child abuse # 2
Child abuse # 3
Child abuse # 4

Signs of Sexual Abuse.

- Overally knowledgeable in sex from a young age. -
- Medical problems such as venereal diseases. -
- Extreme reactions, such as suicide attempts. -
- Becoming clingy or insecure. -
- Regressing to younger behaviour. -
- Lack of trust or fear of someone they know. -
- Starting to wet again. -
- Inexplicable reactions to physical contact, such as flinching or backing away, or freezing completely. -
- Unusual periods of silence. -
- Signs of Depression or other medical problems. -

~ ~ ~

Signs of Physical Abuse.

- Unexplained recurrent injuries or burns. -
- Unlikely excuses or refusal to explain injuries. -
- Refusal to remove clothing, such as a jumper. -
- Fear of medical help or examination. -
- Self- destructive tendencies. -
- Fear of physical contact. -
- Fear of suspected abuser being contacted. -

~ ~ ~

Signs of Neglect.

- Constant hunger. -
- Poor personal hygiene. -
- Constant tiredness. -
- Poor state of clothing. -
- Untreated medical problems. -
- Few social relationships. -
- Compulsive tendencies. -

~ ~ ~

Signs of Emotional Abuse.

- Physical, mental and emotional development lags. -
- Sudden speech disorders. -
- Continual self- depreciation. -
- Overreaction to mistakes. -
- Extreme fear to any new situation. -
- Extreme response to pain. -
- Extremes of passivity or aggression. -

Why do we allow this to happen? Even with all the laws against these things?
Why has it not been stopped?

If you are against child abuse, and wish to put a stop to it once and for all, then sign this wiki.
We can help these children. We can make a difference.
They don't have to suffer in silence any longer.

Anti- Child Abuse Members.

Discussion Page.
A page to discuss Child abuse.

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2008-05-21 [Vaughne]: Indeed it is

2008-05-21 [Kayn]: It just occured to me that what danny said was a lil hypocritical. like he only hated it because he went through it, therefore giving me reason to believe that if (assuming its a HE) he didnt live it then he wouldnt care...

2008-05-21 [Vaughne]: I don't think that's what he meant by it

2008-05-21 [Kayn]: I am hoping not, but with how my life has gone, i put nothing past no one. When he gets on he will explain.

2008-05-21 [Noble]: everyone hates child abuse, although i admit it comes in varying degrees of hate, but i agree with bryony

2008-05-21 [Vaughne]: You always agree with me dear :p hehe.
But I'm sure he'd hate it either way. It's not possible to "like" it.

2008-05-21 [Kayn]: Actually I will have to disagee [Noble] not every one hates it. In my many years I have come across a good few that think a "good ol beating" as they call it is the only way to discipline a child.

2008-05-21 [Vaughne]: I've heard that phrase too

2008-05-21 [Kayn]: I heard it a lot growing up. It is probably one of the most hurting ones i have come across to be told other than "its all your fault, you deserved it" one

2008-05-21 [Vaughne]: A common one too. I heard that one alot.

2008-05-21 [Noble]: yeah but then we get into what constitues towards discipline and a complete overreaction, my parents hit me when i was being bad and i dont hate them for it as they were fair and it wasnt an overreaction, children need discipline, its just that some people dont know how to effectively deal with their children so they resort to the only thing they know which is mostly violence or abuse of some form

2008-05-21 [Kayn]: Yes children do need discliplin. YET you do not have to hit a child to make the point across. I dont hate my parents for hitting me, goddess no. I hate them for how they hit me. FOr all seriousness, yes a spanking is okay, but after 2-5 swats i am very shure you have made the point and they got it. Also its not always something the child does. OSme parents just dont know how to Properly disperse their temper and like most bullies take it out on things smaller than them.

2008-05-21 [Noble]: yeah i know waht you mean, some people just arent suited ot become parents, ever.

2008-05-21 [Kayn]: No they arent. My father being one. Us kids thought it was because of his drinking. After I pulled the chef's knife on him he had stopped, but it didnt change much. The only thing that changed was that he stopeed hitting mom

2008-05-21 [Noble]: yeah =[ its sad how this happens, do you know why he behaved like that? was there smething in his past or any depression he had?

2008-05-21 [Kayn]: -shakes head- from what i gathered from his parents. THey never hit him or anything like that. I had thought that too, and figured i would look into it. He isnt bi-polar either. Mother made him get tested for it when i brought it up some years ago. Its just how he is

2008-05-21 [Noble]: thats well worse..

2008-05-21 [Kayn]: -nods- My lil brother still deals with it. He was never one to get hit or even yelled at by father. He is 18 now, and calls me sayin that fther hit him. Unfortunately I live to far away to rush to his aid. I felt horrible, but I also figure it is time he learns to stand on his own two. Told him to either hit him back or call the police

2008-05-21 [Lonely Shadow]: that don't teach anyone anything, just teaches them how to be abusive in return

2008-05-21 [Kayn]: Actually it will teach him that I am no longer there to stand up for him. It teaches him to stand up to that which he fears. Also it gives him the knowledge that he needs to have from first hand exspierience of our father, so that he will better understand why myself and the other 2 brothers are the way we are. My lil brother and I have talked about abuse a lot. He understands that he has our fathers temperment, therefore doesnt wish to have children. He has gone and gotten a vicectamine (dont quote my spelling) done so that he wont continue the chain of abuse.

In lue to what you said. --pauses to hopefully word this right- What you said to me that is...That for lets just use me here as the example.....That since I stand up to my father and have many times hit him back, means that all i learned was how to be abusive in return. Therefore have pretty much continued the chain of abuse and thus will treat my soon to be son the same way. Please do correct me if i am wrong on this.

2008-05-22 [Noble]: i get what josh means, and i think for some people that will be the case that the abused will become the abusers, but i think on the other hand when it happens to people it will put them off violence and confrontation etc for life, or at least give them a bigger insight into how it affects people so they wont do it, if id have went through anything like that id make sure my kid had the life i didnt.

2008-05-22 [Fading Away]: I would never abuse my child when I have one. Cause I think its sick and I dont want them put through what i was put through. Fair enough some people will but it depends on how they were abused.

2008-05-22 [Noble]: yeah i guess so

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: I feel the same way. I'd never hit my child... It doesn't matter what they'd done, I just wouldn't. There are other ways of discipline, that doesn't always have to be slap or something. I mean, while I was hit for no reason as a youngster and left to sort the result on my own, I was also smacked by my parents for naughty behaviour. I was always terrifed when that happened, because I didn't know if it would esculate. I don't wish that feeling upon anyone, let alone my own children...

2008-05-22 [Noble]: yeah.

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Hence I shall never do it...

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: A few swats on the side of the leg (or diaper) is good, but you dont have to hit. just enough to make a noise is enough to scare the child. Slapping of the hands when they reach for dangerous things or things they just arent suppose to be in is okay, but only need to tap the hands 2-3 times and they get the point. Also a stern voice is very effective as long as you dont use it to much.

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: I don't think I'll be able to hit my children end of really.

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: You will at some point. Not out of anger, more of love. Your first reaction when they rech for things that are sharp is to tap the hands and tell them no. Also when they get to the age they are repeating what they hear and people dont listen and continue to curse in front of them. The first time a child called Kitty a bitched i reached out and tapped his cheek and told him "no, bad word. No say that." He then did it again, and it was another tap on the cheek and time out >.< Gosh that kid thought i was killin him

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: I don't think I'd be able to do that really. I don't know, it may change over time, but I reckon I'd end up leaving that sort of discipline if it was required to the father.

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -shakes head- Dont do that. Then the child would come to hate their father for being the one to do the discipline all the time

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: -_- Well I don't know. I don't think I'll be able to do that

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -smiles- In time you will see. Kitty is figuring that out too. I know she is going to be a fabulous mom.

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Well if I have my way I'll have quite a while to decide on this yet =]

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: Thats good. You never really know though until right then when you find out you gots one on the way

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Not for some time yet ;]

2008-05-22 [Noble]: hehe no.

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Hehe yes. =] You ain't getting Damian for a while. (:

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -laughs- Well ill be back in awhile. Kitty callin me. Poor gal. I wish I could take her pains away.

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: See you later =]

2008-05-22 [Noble]: Blah to that, i win in everything now :P

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: No you do not, and you know it =]

2008-05-22 [Noble]: i dooo, you just wait...

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: YOU just wait ¬_¬

2008-05-22 [Noble]: why wat you gonna do cry at me?

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: What you gonna do? Put me in a cupboard?

2008-05-22 [Noble]: yep =] and then have sex with my other girlfriend outside of it

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: That's a revolting thing to do to a dog

2008-05-22 [Noble]: Haha oke that WAS fairly witty, although if i classed a dog as an other girlfriend then you kinda labelled yourself as the OTHER dog

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Not really, you might just have serious issues when it comes to getting "another" girl. Which by the way, you will do. I'll make sure of it.... =]

2008-05-22 [Noble]: oh thanks bryony, i really want ot be with you now you promise ot make me have sex with a dog..

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: I never promised to make sure you have sex with a dog. I implied that if you tried to get another girlfriend while with me I would ensure it was impossible. =] Which I think is fair enough

2008-05-22 [Noble]: *sighs* paranoid..

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Not really, just a warning. =]

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: I take offense to the "dog" comments. Ill let it slide lol

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Haha sorry :p

2008-05-22 [Noble]: you are paranoid =] you have no reason to be anyway.

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -smiles- hun, paranioa is a common facter of bein abused and will always be there no matter what. I am a highly paranoid person. So i tend to worry a lot.

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: I'd better not have :p

And yeah, I can be paranoid over somethings. Luckily I'm not really really bad with is

2008-05-22 [Noble]: yeah =[ well ill just have to spend my time reassuring her then

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: You don't need to reassure me, dear. :]

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -chuckles- Yet if you didnt care you would be there to reassure her.

2008-05-22 [Noble]: =] yeah someitmes you aks me if i love you =]

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: I've asked you that maybe twice in our whole relationship and that's it :p

2008-05-22 [Noble]: Haha sure :P

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: It's trueeee

2008-05-22 [Noble]: i remember more times than that..anyway you can stop asking cos you know the answer =]

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: I don't ask much xD

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -laughs- Yeah, I remember when Kitty was like that years back. I remember when i was too. It will pass as you find it in your heart.

2008-05-22 [Noble]: i knows, but you dont need toask at all <3

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: I know I don't <3 which is why I haven't asked much :]

And yeah it happens :p

2008-05-22 [Noble]: what happens..?

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -smiles and sits on the floor listening to the two of you-

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: That you feel you need to ask

2008-05-22 [Noble]: yeah i suppose ive done that a few times =]

hehe bit stupid really but Meh

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Indeed =] it just happens :]

2008-05-22 [Noble]: someties oyu need abit of reassuring i guees =]

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Indeed :] sometimes you do :D

2008-05-22 [Noble]: my tummy feels weird :/

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Aww why?

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -smiles- arguing can do that sometimes

2008-05-22 [Noble]: hehe no its not that, its just i had tea and i had lotso f cheese on it

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Haha well that was silleh

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -nods- that woudl do it too

2008-05-22 [Noble]: yep =]

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -smiles- it okiday. just lay down for a few on the left side, and you will feel better

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Silleh boy <3

2008-05-22 [Noble]: im not that silleh normally

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Just sometimes ♥

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -smiles- well i be silly. i love it

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Everyone's silly :]

2008-05-22 [Noble]: inclusing you *points wildly at you* i loves it, it makes me laugh when were silleh

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Hahaha xD yuss. Like when you shout "NAWW!!!"

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -laughs- nice

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: He's interesting :p

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: we all try

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Oh yeahh =]

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: Always a good time -howls-

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Indeed it is (:

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: ^_^

2008-05-22 [Noble]: thank you <3

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: O.o your welcome?

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Your welcome love =] hehe

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -laughs- had me confused for a minute

2008-05-22 [Vaughne]: Haha I can see why xD

2008-05-22 [Kayn]: -nods- yip

2008-05-23 [Fading Away]: *fades away till shes invisible and shows up randomly next to Lonely wolf*.... Did I scare you? :P

2008-05-23 [Vaughne]: O.o

2008-05-23 [Noble]: prettyful..

2008-05-23 [Vaughne]: *cough cough*

2008-05-23 [The Incredible Bulk]: Who. Bethell?.
Yes she is.

2008-05-23 [Vaughne]: I'M NOT CALLED BETHELL!!!!!!!!

2008-05-23 [Noble]: :) how is everyone

2008-05-23 [Vaughne]: *sits down looking moody*

2008-05-23 [Noble]: *sits next to you*

2008-05-23 [Vaughne]: *is moooooooody*

2008-05-23 [Noble]: *lays my head on your shoulder*

2008-05-23 [Vaughne]: *still moody*

2008-05-23 [Noble]: dont be sure it wont be as bad as you think..

2008-05-23 [Vaughne]: I think it will

2008-05-23 [Noble]: it wont. =] think posotive

2008-05-23 [Vaughne]: Nooooo

2008-05-23 [Kayn]: -sniffs [Fading Away]- Darling i am a wolf its hard to scare me.

2008-05-23 [Raikcoes]: -giggles- nice

2008-05-23 [Kayn]: -sniffs more knocking Fading over- what is that smell anyways?

2008-05-23 [Noble]: sup

2008-05-24 [Kayn]: -looks up and leaves fading be for now- All the normal things you see when you look up

2008-05-24 [Raikcoes]: OR .... Up is a two letter word that describes a direction -giggles-

2008-05-24 [LilPunkGirl264]: Hey

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Silly Sam... hey [LilPunkGirl264]! Welcome! ^-^

2008-05-25 [Noble]: i'm not silleh..*sulks*

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: You're silly in a cute and endearing way =]

2008-05-25 [Fading Away]: *sits looking up all sweet* I dont sulk... much.

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: He sulks alot.... =]

2008-05-25 [Noble]: i dont sulk alot! *sulks more*

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: *cough cough* xD

2008-05-25 [Noble]: i dont, well i only sulk wen i hae good reason, which is alot of the time!

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Suuuuuuuuuuure... when you have good reason xD

2008-05-25 [Noble]: i fdo have good reasons.

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Like when?

2008-05-25 [Noble]: like when you didnt ask how i was and i gave you a really enthusiatic greeting and then you just turned and talked ot jack

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: When was that?

2008-05-25 [Noble]: on tuesday

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: *tackle*

2008-05-25 [Noble]: *slaps* gheyy

2008-05-25 [Fading Away]: aww bless.

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Don't slap me fool!

2008-05-25 [Noble]: *pinches* =]

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: RIGHT THAT'S IT! *kicksslapshitspinchesbites* NOW STOP IT

2008-05-25 [Noble]: 0_0 physchical abuse...

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: You started it :D

2008-05-25 [Noble]: ;D and ill finish it *kills*

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: x_X

2008-05-25 [Noble]: *dusts off hands* see that wasnt too hard ot solve now was it

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: x_X

2008-05-25 [Noble]: *kicks body* hehe

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: *body melts into nothingness*

2008-05-25 [Noble]: *looks unimpressed* your not a jedi foo'

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: *Isn't there anymore*

2008-05-25 [Noble]: *floats away*

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: x_X

2008-05-25 [Noble]: *throws eggs*

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: *ISN'T THERE FOOL!*

2008-05-25 [Noble]: Haha =]

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: *comes back from the dead*

2008-05-25 [Noble]: good =]

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: You killed me *glare*

2008-05-25 [Noble]: in a nice way *smiles*

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: No, it hurt. =[

2008-05-25 [Noble]: i gtgs to go now, luffs xx

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: =[

2008-05-25 [Noble]: back =]

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Pah... lefted meh

2008-05-25 [Noble]: only for a while =]

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: *pokes*

2008-05-25 [Noble]: thank you *pokes back* :) hehe

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: O_O

2008-05-25 [Noble]: you like it realleh : )

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Suuuuuuuure xD

2008-05-25 [Noble]: fine ill keep my pokes to myself then

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Hehehehehehe xD

2008-05-25 [Noble]: whaty?

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Read it again :P

2008-05-25 [Noble]: Haha oh right...whoops

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Hahaha xD

2008-05-25 [Noble]: hehe =]

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Whoops indeed ;]

2008-05-25 [Noble]: pah! i stand by both statemtns :P

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: I say.... xD

2008-05-25 [Noble]: you say " i agree" like a good girl

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: NEVER!

2008-05-25 [Noble]: *shuffles off* fine...

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: *Sits down*

2008-05-25 [Noble]: *comes up behind you* im back..

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: I thought you would be =]

2008-05-25 [Noble]: shsush!!! ssillllehhh.

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Hehehe =]

2008-05-25 [Noble]: *points* look a prettyful sky

2008-05-25 [Vaughne]: Nooooo

2008-05-25 [Noble]: ok *looks down*

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